Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What Else Am I Gonna Do?

Like Michael, I should have been able to work just fine today--I don't live in California, I don't have a home I own there to worry about anymore, and the people I love most are safely off the mountain. But did I get a lick of anything productive done today? Nope.

I am as addicted to the updates as anyone, my boss and dear friend who lives in Crestline is in Nairobi so his sweet wife had to evacuate alone and I have been helping keep track of her, I have had good conversations with Mom, Michael, Liann, and Holly, and have been letting the dozens of people who have stopped by my desk, emailed, or called to ask about my family know that they are okay and thank you for praying. Every few minutes I remember someone else I know and love on that mountain and wonder how they are. Add to that the just plain funny feeling of not being there with my family and friends right now.

Nope. Not so much getting my MAF job done at the moment. Need to fix that tomorrow.

In the midst of it all, I continued my house hunting today in Meridian and Boise. How obtuse is that? Liann's home is likely gone at this point, and Michael's is in serious jeopardy as I type, and I am house hunting?

Maybe I need to get a really big one so everyone can come stay with me :)

Prayers and love to all, especially those in So Cal. I prayed with my work team this morning as a reminder to myself that God is sovereign--not an angry, impetuous sovereignty, but a perfect, holy, grace-beyond-measure sovereignty. Praises and thanks to Him in the midst of all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sluss, you are such an encourager! I wish you could be here too, but I think God needs you in potato land so you can spread the word for people to pray for us, like you have been! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. I've gone further a field than most, but I'm glued to the TV and incoherent for the last three days. Although
I have rarely given the Mountain a thought in ten years. I remember having a flash of memory from school when I heard about the 2003 fire while listening to the BBC, escaping from the midday African sun, but nothing more. However, the idea of the house I grew up in going up in smoke gets me in the gut.
Anyway, I hope all is well with you. So very sorry to hear about your father. He was always good to all of us.
Best Regards,
Dan Travis
Washington, D.C.

Kathie said...

Hey Dan,

So good to hear from you. Thanks for the comment. And thank you for the condolences--just to clarify, it was my grandfather, my dad's dad, who passed away. Tony, my dad, is still alive and kicking and goofy as ever.

Blessings to you and yours.