Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Visit

Liann says it would be fun for people to see pictures from Tony's visit. If you find this anything other than fun, please alert her immediately :)

Tony checking out the MAF training airplanes and hangar.

At the Mission Inn for a lovely evening of dinner and lights with Mom, Dad, Michael, and Joanna.

Me and my adorable sister-in-law. Dang--does Joanna ever take a bad picture?

The kids at the Mission Inn. I am digging my bro's fuller beard and longer hair!

Tony feeding and petting bat rays at Sea World. He loves animals, so he was in seventh heaven. I think he videoed the entire dolphin show.

Tony discovering that there are tall guys in America, too. We couldn't resist a picture with my good, super-tall buddy Dean and my sweet, super-short Mommy :)

At Holly's house, with excellent food and great company. If you get a chance to have Paul Bunyan make Christmas candy for you, take him up on it! He rocks!

Me and my handsome Popsey.

Hilarious. Christmas Eve at my grandmother's, where my always helpful Grandma Quack-Quack introduced Tony to Tony. Never mind that Tony had been staying at Tony's house for a week already :)

Tony and the boys dressed up in some of their Christmas haul. Notice the missing tooth on the left?

Here's a matching missing tooth on the right! Merry Christmas, Tooth Fairy!


orneryswife said...

It does look like you had a wonderful time, and while I know it is difficult to change the course of a relationship, it sounds like you chose wisely. I'll add you to the (very short)list of people I am praying for spouses for.

Risa said...

Regarding Joanna... Seriously, it must be painful to be that cute. And she's probably one of those people that's so sweet, you can't even begrudge her for being so dang cute. :oP

Michael Slusser said...

It is true—she is just that cute and that sweet. It's awful, I tell you.

Actually, she's cuter even than that.