Sunday, March 16, 2008

Brighter Thoughts This Morning

Well, I took a page of notes this morning during church about some really deep observations of my current spiritual journey. Was gonna blog it. Came home and made corned beef and cabbage instead. Now must get to bed.

Finished my tax prep to mail off, too, lest you think it took me all day to cook and eat cabbage.

But it does take freaking forever to clean up after cooking. And when it's just me I cooked for, it's annoying. There should be more people here to eat on the three days a month that I cook something.

But I need to get back in the habit of being on here. Thus, in the words of Mr. Portokalos, "So, there you go."

Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, gravy (which was an adventure in itself when you are a kitchen dummy--the reason you don't add the flour while your liquid is boiling, Sluss will now always remember, is because you get lots of lumps, which I affectionately termed "mini-dumplings"), and a bottle of New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale. Most pleasant. And chased with a little dish of butterscotch pudding that I cooked last night.

That's right--cooked. If it says "Jell-O Cook & Serve Pudding & Pie Filling" on the box, then I had to cook it to eat it. And boiling milk is a little stressful, so I want credit.

Night, night.


sally said...


i'll have to remember that one
next year at thanksgiving
which is the only time
i ever make gravy

happy easter

orneryswife said...

Happy Easter, my friend. I so enjoyed your last two posts. So, there you go, indeed! Isn't that just the coolest movie? Maybe your worms needed a little Windex? Just kidding. Hope your Easter was wonderful.

Both Fex said...

Mini dumplings. You make me laugh. Love you and missed you at Easter. We have a lot of left over lamb if you want to come to dinner tonight.

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

Ostern Sonntag? It was an amazing time. I didn't expect it. We started with a sunrise service in the office, had the baseball guys and me over to the house of harps for lasagna (which I cooked for 3 hours before hand - I'm pretty impressed since my German friend has never made it from scratch she was a bit amazed) then finished the evening out with sitting around a precious fantasy cottage and singing praise music with harps, guitar, and drum.
interesing - wouldn't you say?
hugs from germany