Friday, February 13, 2009

The Transformation is Complete

First, the good news. I have a guest staying with me this week from the UK, and she brought treats! Chocolate-covered honeycomb, REAL English tea, Yorkshire pudding mix (which I have since been told is SO simple to make that it was utterly humiliating for Harriet to buy it in a mix), lovely chocolate, and the most gorgeous shortbread ever. Gorgeous, I tell you.

On the bad news side of things, I came to a realization yesterday morning as I pulled my hair back to put it in a barrette. My skin is so very mid-winter pale, and my hair so very old-age gray now, with a lovely hunk of white up the right side, that it's official.

I have become Lily Munster. Only not as svelte.

Somewhere there is a giant, green, Frankensteiny man who will find me attractive.

I can only dream...


sally said...

Go Lily!

I can't believe how you make me laugh.


orneryswife said...

First, it is not required of shortbread to be lovely, it is God's food whatever it looks like! and second, you are hilarious! Lily Munster, huh? Next Herman I meet, I'll send him your way! :)

Anonymous said...

I noticed that on these nice snacks you didn't have the "no sharing" restriction that you had on the V-day cookies. ;-)