Thursday, October 22, 2009

All that said...

the reality of what I sense I have heard from God in the past month since that prayer was prayed and what I think it means at this time is this:
  • I have a significant joy and release in being more of "me" before him.
  • I have sensed that the desire for a husband is indeed mine, and not his for me, but it's not bad to have put the desire before him (a big step for me), and he'll continue to mold and shape me. He wanted me to ask, but made no specific promises about it. The biggest, best, never-failing promise is that I am his, his, his now and always, always, always.
  • All those squishy little cuddly, autumn-enhanced feelings that I want to direct to someone, that desire that I always have to dote on some one special person, are to be taken to Jesus and I will learn to dote on him. He'll show me how he likes to be cherished, because he knows I really do long to cherish well, even when I am not good at it and I fall short.
  • I long to embrace well what he has put before me, and what's actually before me is ministry work, my job. The coming year, if looked at from a purely human perspective, frightens the daylights out of me and frightens ulcers into my stomach lining. Not only is it a huge undertaking as LT continues to grow, but I am so UNBELIEVABLY out of my element and skill set, out of my comfort zone, that I want to faint dead away after crying for a few hours. (And if anyone tries to tell me that I am smarter or more talented than I think I am, I will scream; I am NOT making this up; I am stepping into things I have no idea how to DO.) I am clinging, clinging, clinging to Luke 9:10-17, and to the five loaves and two fish I currently have at my disposal. It's not nearly enough to feed the coming year, but I will pray to do what Jesus did: give thanks to God for what I have in my hands and start breaking the pieces up and handing them out. I pray that this time next year, I, we, my whole ministry team, will look around and see 12 baskets full of extra pieces of nourishment and provision and extravagance lying about us, evidence of his unmerited favor and grace and mercy.
  • I am reminded that everyone--everyone--has an unfulfilled ache, a heartache that will take them back again and again to his throne, just where we most need to be. If it turns out that mine is not having a husband to walk the journey with, then so be it. At least I know what it is, and I know how to answer the questions about it, and I know where to run to get to God's deep, abiding oceans of love. I think the time in CA just really felt like this focused time of having to think about it and look at it because it's the one common question among everyone I meet with, especially new folks. And I confess that I am kind of like the fat kid who jokes about his own weight so it won't hurt when others tease him, so sometimes I bring it up first. A good pal on my team likened having such a zeroed-in, zoned-in time of having to talk about it to a guy he used to work with who was 6' 4". He said that every customer who came into the garden department where they worked together said something like, "Wow, how's the weather up there?" or some other remark about his height. Nicholas said to me, "You just got four weeks of 'How's the weather up there?' over and over again, a big concentrated dose." It's time to let that focus dissipate, and to embrace what is actually before me, even while God is aware of my request. Praises to him who is actually also aware of my real needs, and he will meet those in his perfect sovereignty.
And, yes, I am crying with my nose running at my desk, blowing my dripping snout like a bazooka in the office at 6:30 at night, thanking God there are so very few people lingering about to hear me. Sometimes truth is tough, but I don't want to live in anything else. I want to go where he goes and live as he asks, even when I also want to run the other way. I love you, Jesus.


Anonymous said...

If this was Facebook, I'd press the "like" button. Personally, I think Jesus has pressed the "like" button over your life in general (and I agree with him). I think you are in a really good place, Kathie - he just loves honest hearts. I know your life with Jesus will just keep getting better and better - regardless of what the outside of things does or doesn't look like. He IS the truth - so embracing truth is embracing him. Enjoy the daily journey, my friend, but it's also okay to keep asking for dessert. I suspect there will be a lot of it in your future :-)

Becky Lee said...

"There's safety in complacency but God is calling us out of our comfort zone into a life of complete surrender to the cross. To live dangerously is not to live recklessly but righteously and it is because of God's radical grace for us that we can risk living a life of radical obedience for Him."

(From Steve Camp song "Living Dangerously In the Hands of God" 1988)

Linda said...

I agree with Cindy and like what you've said,too. You are falling backwards into the hands of our almighty God and He is catching you as you fall, and knows where He will land you. I am so thankful for your surrendered life of love for Him. You encourage me in my journey!

razwold said...

you are such an encouragment to me. thanks for sharing your beautiful heart.

Crystal Keilers, that's me. said...

Wow. wow. wow. Your words are fresh and true. They touch my heart in deep place. Thank you for being so candid. You make me wanna fall more in love with Jesus. Really.

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

hummm ... I've been away for a few days... language school - ya know.
I've been thinking about your blogspot more than not. Praying for you in this honesty. I used to pray for a husband - gave it up when I signed on the dotted line to be a missionary. I'm one of those that people say, "oh well, you were married and have kids, you don't really need to be married." Talk about hurt - that hurts. I understand the comment, but the reality of it causes me to ache. I have never been loved by a man... truly loved. My husband began his affairs 2 weeks BEFORE we were married. We were married for 13 years. He had the same affair with one woman the entire time...
What does it feel like to be loved by a man?
I don't know - but I do know this.
There is nothing as sweet as having the Lover of my soul whisper in my ear, "I love you."... to my response, "Oh WHY God?" to His "Because I made you."... to mine, "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LIKE THIS????" to His -"Because I wanted you this way...let's snuggle!"