Saturday, August 04, 2007

Tonight, for Marilyn

My heart is breaking tonight for Marilyn. As I thought of her, in the midst of my reading this evening, God brought this poem (it's in my Philip Yancey Prayer book. I did not pause to read it last night as I read the text around the sidebar it's in; I forgot that I had skipped it, and after praying for Marilyn this evening, I opened to the page it was on--not a coincidence, I think). It is new to me. My mind went directly to Marilyn. Then it went to all of us. This is for my sister, and for us.

I love and treasure you all, dear ones. And I am deeply blessed to know that this crowd will not hesitate to pray for and encourage this precious one in Minnesota--there will be many hands carrying her on her mat to Jesus, lowering her through the hole in the roof, because we love her, and He loves us.

Ich bete wieder, du Erlauchter

I am praying again, Awesome One.

You hear me again, as words
from the depths of me
rush toward you in the wind.

I’ve been scattered in pieces,
torn by conflict,
mocked by laughter,
washed down in drink.

In alleyways I sweep myself up
out of garbage and broken glass.
With my half-mouth I stammer you,
who are eternal in your symmetry.
I lift to you my half-hands
in wordless beseeching, that I may find again
the eyes with which I once beheld you.

I am a house gutted by fire
where only the guilty sometimes sleep
before the punishment that devours them
hounds them out in the open.

I am a city by the sea
sinking into a toxic tide.
I am strange to myself, as though someone unknown
had poisoned my mother as she carried me.

It’s here in all the pieces of my shame
that now I find myself again.
I yearn to belong to something, to be contained
in an all-embracing mind that sees me
as a single thing.
I yearn to be held
in the great hands of your heart–
oh let them take me now.
Into them I place these fragments, my life,
and you, God–spend them however you want.

Rainer Maria Rilke, from Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God
September 18, 1901


Katie said...

I needed that poem tonight, too, Kathie. Thank you. This is Michael's old friend, Katie, by the way. I have finally managed to set up my own blog in hopes of connecting with you guys. It was 10 years ago that you welcomed me into your home in Running Springs and helped nurse me through a rough patch... remember that? It was greatly appreciated and has not been forgotten, believe me. Thank you for your encouraging words then and now!

orneryswife said...

I just read the comment you left on my blog, and as I have gone through your posts reading (as you suggested) from March on, I must say, Wow. What a wonderful opportunity for God to show Himself STRONG!

Next, I have to ask if MAF is for Mission Aviation Fellowship? I remember they were going to move their offices from Redlands to Idaho, but it didn't really click until I read some of your posts. We have supported the Emenakers in Russia, for about 10 years or so. We knew them when Rick was attending flight school at Spartan in Tulsa and attended church with us. It is such a small world!

I am glad you have welcomed me into your circle of friends; for we are sisters in Christ, really. If we don't ever meet in person, these visits on-line have meant a ton to me. I am glad you commented, and hope to hear from you again soon.

I will believe with you for God's perfect will to be done. We know that He has already done all the work, we just have to believe it to see the miracles come to pass. And, we have to want it REALLY bad!

At least you have a job that allows you to travel to see him, and while the separation seems oppressive, perhaps this time is the seasoning that is needed to strengthen your relationship for the challenges that lay ahead.

Today my pastor said, "Life is not a destination, it is a journey, and when life is lived well it is far more significant than the destination." Living well, according to him, would be being grateful in all things, for "if we can't be happy without ____(fill in the blank), we won't be happy with it, either."

So, while you are apart, I'll pray that God will sustain you with HIS love and joy, that you won't live in desolation, but rejoice in having found "someone" besides the Father (and all your fab friends and family) to adore you.

sally said...

What a beautiful poem. I needed it too.

"...that I may find again
the eyes that once beheld you."

What soul-touching line.

and how eloquently the poem expressed my need to have some One see my fragmented self as a single thing.

Thanks for sharing this.


Holly said...

I finally got a change to sit down and read this poem. It is wonderful and hit home in more way than one. I am going to print it out and take it to my prayer time tomorrow.

BTW - I miss out bible study group...

Chris Skaggs said...

yo Kath - this isn't related to this post here, but check this out:

You'll never guess...