Saturday, September 08, 2007

And we are different

On reading 1 Samuel 8 / March 11, 1999


Liann said...

That's exactly it bubby. Thank you for sharing that.

Liann said...

"So unlike the others..." oh He is. I taught about the others today and do so every day actually. And our Lord, friend, lover, savior, brother, redeemer, counselor, prince, companion, tower, shield, vine, comforter, king, shepard, healer, bread, lamb, sacrifice, protector, light is so unlike the others.

sally said...

(both of you)
thanks for sharing, sisters


Devin Parker said...

Different commands...
Give us courage for our different vocations...

That's the tough one for me. Sometimes I feel as though doing this whole comic book thing is the silliest, most wasteful pursuit I could be occupying myself with; that I should pack it all in and go work with the homeless.

I have to remind myself that the comics and gaming subculture is one that is desperately in need of the love of Jesus, and that part of the reason they're hostile to the mention of Him is because of mistreatment at the lips and hands of the Church, and a perception of the sins of the Church in ages past. There's healing that needs to take place there, and a lot of broken, embittered people.

But it certainly feels like a colossal misapplication of priorities some days.