Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Persistent Widows

Wow--I think have surrounded myself with lots of persistent widows. Apparently, beating at the door over and over again can work.

Tony got the visa.

Oh, my goodness. Glory to God. Thanks to all of you for your prayers. And thanks to MANY of you for good counsel, patient listening, and for not stuffing me in a barrel on several occasions over the past many months. You are all too good to me.

Can you believe it was almost a year ago that Tony and I met? It will be a year in January. Amazing.

Thank you again, and love and kisses all around :)

And sorry to my mommy for all her new gray hairs over waiting for the outcome on this ;)


sally said...

Hooray! Yippee! Praise God!

Chris said...

Whoo Hoo!!!!

Both Fex said...

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

Jesus totally rules!

Yea, for you guys!

Michael Slusser said...

Yeehaw! (Just trying to get the Americanisms all ready.) Denver and Poncho cheered with excitement over the news.

Praises, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he'll learn to love meatloaf...
tee hee hee.....

orneryswife said...

Awesome Possum! That is wonderful news! I am sad to say I was not one of your faithful prayers, since I didn't read your post until today, several days post-facto. I WILL pray, however, that things go smoothly for his travel, and your house! How exciting for you!

You mentioned on my blog that you'd like me to paint in your new house, and I CAN! Actually the paint is not paint at all, but self-adhesive vinyl that looks like it was painted on. Check out the UL website referred to in my blog if you are interested. We are loving the expressions we have gotten up so far, and are looking forward to adding some more soon.

Risa said...

The Chocolate Bear cometh! Yay, Jesus!! :o)

Kristin said...

PRAISE JESUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Risa said...

Just realized that Tony should be arriving TODAY! (woohoo!)

Please turn up the thermostat so that when it's time for him to depart you put a man back on the plane rather than a popsicle! ;o)

I'll be praying for your visit that you will have the discussions that need to be had, but mostly that you simply enjoy your time together.


P.S. Make sure he sees the Charlie Brown dance while he's here. That might be the clincher. :o)