Sunday, November 04, 2007

Prayer by Monday Night, Please

I have been wanting to type about this for two weeks, but haven't been able to make myself. It's a long story why. Anyway, now it's down to the wire. And tonight will likely be my last decent sleep for this week, so I am going to keep this brief. Thank heavens we know each other well enough that I can just cut to the chase. And if it's out here, then you'll want to know the answers to the prayers, and that will make be blog again. Convenient, eh?

1. Tony applies for a visa again--time #3--Tuesday morning 8:00 AM in Uganda. That's 10:00 PM Monday night Pacific Time for most of you (you majority of West Coasties, you). Please pray. If it's granted, he'll be here for a visit in December. I can't even begin to explain how I am feeling, but it you drew a graph and then splattered paint all over it Jackson-Pollock-style, you'd pretty much a chart of where my brain and heart have been about this--all over the place. I have no idea what condition I will be in Tuesday morning after I hear from Tony, whether the answer is yes or no. I don't want to think about it right now.

So will you pray with us, please?

2. I have officially signed papers, as of this afternoon, to purchase a house in Boise. Escrow is set to close November 29. I leave for California this Thursday, November 8. I return to Idaho Saturday, November 24. If Tony gets the visa, he arrives December 5.

Do you see the fun ahead? Oh my. And, oh yeah, it's a bit o' a financial stretch. Can you pray for the process, please? I know Slater can :)

Thanks. I will yammer more later, but for now--please pray, friends. Thank you, and love to all.


Both Fex said...

Praying. Prayed. Will pray again. Kinda like wash, rinse, and repeat. Will do.

Love you.

Let me know if you need help packing, unpacking, cleaning, screaming, you know- whatever.

Liann said...

Praying praying praying. Keep them doggies praying. Praying praying praying raw HIIIIIDDE!!

sally said...

I'm praying too. I'm glad I checked your blog today.

Kristin said...

I second Beth's comment... if you need help, just call!!! We love you !!!