That's my pilot pal Amber. She lives in Indonesia but was stateside for some training for the past few weeks. We always catch a movie together when she's here. So far, it hasn't been a bad streak: National Treasure 2, The Forbidden Kingdom. She's even picked out some decent DVDs.
However, our most recent choice means she owes me 90 minutes of my life that was completely frittered away. And she has been trying to hang some of the responsibility for the failure on me. Whatever. I tried for Slumdog Millionaire. She hadn't heard of it (she lives overseas, you know) and claims I failed to do a decent sell job on the plot (I hardly knew what the plot was; I just knew we should see it!).
So what did we see instead?
Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Um, yeah. The whole thing.
On the positive side, it's very family-friendly clean. On the humor side, if I was twelve I probably would have sat there heh-heh, heh-hehing, my way through the thing. As it is, I am almost 40, so I confess to a few snorts and snarfs of laughter here and there (watching a chubby guy ride a Segway with pride and grandeur like it's a Harley Davidson is kinda funny, actually), but mostly I was wanting to lean over and smack Amber for shooting down my movie suggestion. She claims no fault since I technically agreed to the Blart viewing, but seriously...what do you do with an out-of-town guest? You let them have their way! Sluss wins the argument.
On the brighter side, we had dinner before the movie at a steak place near the theaters. Since neither of us had been there before, and we didn't know anyone who had, we used our "Take a hit for the team" rationale and ordered appetizer through dessert so we could review it well. The food was fine, nothing to write home about, but like any meal with Amber, it was not without its moments of hilarity, including her shooting an edamame bean past my ear and out into the walkway. I suppose I equaled the hilarity by dripping chocolate and caramel from the mud pie pictured below across my cell phone in a rush to answer a text message.

This is my new favorite example of ironic juxtaposition:
"You let them have their way! Sluss wins the argument."
Uh huh. Lesson learned, I see. :)
You agreed to see a movie called "Paul Blart: Mall Cop"?
You have only yourself to blame.
You crack me up. At least you snorted and snarfed some ;). (who uses the word "snarf"?)
Oh and I want that dessert, like now.
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