Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kickboxing Math

Humiliation of walking for a bit of the class when everyone else (it seems like) is running < Humiliation of having to call ambulance due to potential of collapsing in panting, heaving, gasping, red-faced heap

No Ambulance = Good Kickboxing Class

Fear of ex-military instructor who could snap me in two though she is half my size > Longing to faint to ground and wallow in the Jell-o-y wad that is me = Obeying every command of "JAB!", "HOOK!", CROSS!", and "SIDEKICK!" no matter how I bob and sway and drip

I like Thursdays :)


Anonymous said...

I hope you were one with your humiliation.

It's a new adventure today Slussy! I hope today you'll see a big enormous God swelling with affection and love for his Sluss a boxer.

Me? I'll be shoveling. I miss you!

Crystal said...

You go girl! Good for you. I have trouble keeping up in those classes too.