Thursday, June 25, 2009

Talk in Real Time

Seriously, I have writing I want to do. Crystal reminded me that it's good for the soul. I buy that.

But can I just say that it's been a treasure and a treat to have someone in the house to share dinner with (okay, eat the delicious dinner that they prepare and then bring my whack dish washing skills into play) and to talk with about good stuff? Talks with Stef are fun and insightful and warm.

I have been saying that if I had to share my house space again, it couldn't be with just anyone. It would have to be with someone who was more than a boarder, more than just another breathing presence.

I want to write, but for the moment I am using my evening time engaged in good laughter, music, tears, food, sweetness, and growth with a lovely housemate, who is so much more than just another body in the house. Stef is a blessing and a joy. So, thanks for the gift, Jesus.

Guess I'll have to start blogging from the office ;)

1 comment:

Crystal Keilers, that's me. said...

LOVE this post. This "is" writing, it's right from your heart (gave me goosebumps). So glad that you have a good friend to do everyday life with, those are some of my most favorite memories. Actually, I lived in an adorable little cottage with two of my closest friends and we called it "Camp Tucker". And our talks (sometimes serious, sometimes fun, sometimes sad) were called "campfires". When one of us said, "I need a campfire" we knew we had to huddle on someone's bed and spill. I'm so glad you have a campfire roomie :).