Anyway, that's what's in my lonely little head here in Chicago tonight. Missing everyone, may I say. And I have discovered an interesting way to gauge my loneliness. I watch more reality televsion, which I despise. It's like finding something more painful than missing my family to take the edge off my brain. I spent tonight flipping back and forth between "America's Next Top Model" and "Dancing with the Stars", trying desperately to make sure I didn't miss the results at the end. Now I have "The Biggest Loser" on. I need an intervention.
"The Biggest Loser" folks are having a tough time because they are lonely and they miss their families. Amen, people. I bet you wish you could drown your sorrows in Fritos and a Black Cherry Vanilla Coke, like me. Neener, neener, neener! HA!
Pumpkinpalooza and Oregon and Foxes and Skaggs and Risa was an awesome weekend. Beth's boys are huge and kind and funny and stayed up late to see me

The Skaggs' new biscuit is a precious, hefty, healthy, smiley guy, and makes C
hris and Rebekah smile in ways I wish I could have taken picture after picture of. And I love talking to them. Plus, they took me to a place where I had homemade suasage for lunch, and a McMenamins
Scarecrow ESB (that's an Extra Special Bitter ale, you poor jealous people...). Never mind that I had such a nice time visiting with them that I almost missed my plane! More on that later...

Risa looks beautiful, sucks on spoons when she cuts onions, and just frankly

Missing the plane...I was SOOOOOO close! Chris and Re and the little monkey (Rebekah was my fav of the day 'cause she had him in the little monkey sweater I sent them--too cool :) came in the airport when they dropped me off, and we got to chat over coffees. We were at Coffee People, and I had some drink called the Velvet Hammer--it's a Mexican mocha. It's so yummy smooth, and the Skaggs and I were having such a good chat, and I knew I hadn't gotten enough of all my pals before I had to leave (though I am sure their Sluss-meter was plenty full!), and my senses got totally dulled. Chris even said at one point, "How are you doing on time? I don't want you to be late. You still have to go through security." My plane departed at 4:15 pm, and in some subliminal event, my brain decided I didn't have to be at the GATE until 4:15 pm. Um, how often do I fly? HELLO!
I said, nah, we're fine, and kept right on chatting. Then, practically in the middle of someone's sentence, I said, "I gotta go!" Hucked the emtpy coffee cup, hugged goodbye, and tried to look smooth going down to security. To the longest security line, the slowest security line, I have seen in a long time.
I am a moron. I stood in that line sweating, heart pounding, mad at no one but me. I was about to miss my plane, and the entire fault was mine. I couldn't believe it. I got through security finally, and ran to my d-i-s-t-a-n-t gate, thoroughly expecting to be told that they were pulling my luggage off the plane, and I would need to pony up a wad of cash to reschedule a flight. Huffing and puffing, I arrived to a completely empty gate, one guy standing at the door to the jetway--and he let me in. I was the last one on the plane. Sweaty. Red-faced. Breathing hard. Holding up my pants because I didn't take the time to put my belt back on after security. And it's a Southwest flight--the only seats left are in the middle...
"Can I, huh, huh, sit next to you, huh, please, huh, huh?"
People like that :) A grumpy school teacher let me in, bless her ungraded papers.
I had the best weekend! I love you Cartlton-Newberg-Oregon people. Thanks for make me feel so loved I didn't want to leave!
Maybe if I go to Africe with you I won't miss you so much. What do you think? I'll carry your luggage and get you to the gate on time, well, I'll try.
Erm, AfricA. Africe? Maybe I'm hungry?
LOVED the pics...Little Man Skaggs is too cute for words. The pumpkin suit is definitely apropos. And yes Miss Kathie, you do lead quite the exciting life ! See what happens when you say, "not my will, but Yours be done?"
Love it.
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