Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kathie's House of Horrors

"Must get something on blog, must get something on blog"...maybe if I put up a few sentences, I will get more on here tomorrow.

For now, I will tell you the horrible thing I discovered about my house in the past 36 hours. Apparently, I was a sheltered girl on the mountain. Do you know what lives at houses on flat ground, like my new house?

One million earthworms. Uuuuggghhhhhhh-ggggaaaccchhhkkkkkkk!!! Disgusto!

OK, Sluss, just shake it off, shake it off. Tell the story.

The Story and Some Math

It rained a bunch yesterday. I now own 3 areas of lawn.

Rain + Lawn = Patio + Driveway loaded with earthworms = My gag reflex > My biology empathy

I discovered all the ones on the back patio while I was on the phone with my mom yesterday evening. They were in little puddles. I asked her if I should sweep them off into the yard before they got all dried up and crispy. She said, "I don't know. Maybe if you try to sweep them they will just goosh all over."

Gag reflex > Scrunched up, contorted face = yelling, "MOM! Nasty!" < Mom laughing hysterically

So I swept while we talked, which meant I basically launched water-logged worms out to land on top the grass, so they can get crispy there instead of the patio. I felt kinda bad, like I added impaling on grass blades to their already miserable journey of death. Insult to injury.

Then, this morning, I went out to put something in the mailbox (which, if I may digress, is quite the coolest thing after having to drive to a post office for most of my life...oh, the joy of mail at the house). I was basically looking down, watching my slippers as I came around the corner of the little path from my front door to the driveway, when my brow furrowed at the sight of worms in my way.

I glanced up to find my driveway decorated like Mardi Gras with brown, wiggly, squishy confetti.

Dude. I walked to my mailbox like I was in a minefield, and side-stepped my way back to the house. I didn't go out again today, and I am not even going to think about what will happen when I pull out of my driveway to go to church tomorrow morning.

I can already hear it in my head..."Pop, pop, poppity, pop, pop..."

Grass is overrated. I miss pine needles.


Liann said...

Well, at least they aren't inside the house?!! I remember going to GP and GM Anderson's down-the-hill house and in the morning there were snails and worms. Gross-city.

Kathie said...

Dude, I know--where were the birds? I actually saw a gorgeous bird land in the backyard this afternoon and help himself to a little something in the lawn. If only he had been here yesterday...

Corrina said...


Michael Slusser said...

Born Dancin' would eat the worms, sadly, so no go there.

You do know that throwing the worms back in your yard will only leave them to come out again next time, right? And if you really do puncture them on the grass, they will only turn into multiple worms... The best thing to do is most likely to leave them to dry up and sweep them away. Thankfully, there are probably 50 in the soil for every one you see on the pavement.

Your welcome, and sleep tight. :)