Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mommy Day, Mom!

Just a moment of appreciation for the Queen of Moms :)

Mommy and Daddy and Baby Kathie

Mommy and Daddy and Baby Michael

And now Grandma and the three monkeys.

I got to gush all about her to my pastor for a few minutes this morning. And I called and requested the two older monkey dudes to deliver a tackle hug on Aunt Kathie's behalf. I am so, so grateful to be her daughter. Thank you, Mom, for all the years you invested in us and for the precious friendship we have now. You are a GIFT! (And for Pete's sake, don't argue with me about it!)


Corrina said...

Aww. Your mom IS a gift!

Crystal Keilers, that's me. said...

How did they get their hair so high? All of 'em too. Seriously, that's such talent (that I don't have).

Cute post :).