Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Real Reason I Blog

Because Baby Plucky just makes me laugh. I can't help it! I have been waiting forever for this to be on YouTube so I could post it--happy, happy, joy, joy!

Sorry, Mom. I know you raised me better than to think this is funny :)


Liann said...

WHAT is wrong with you?! Quit sniffing paint fumes or garlic or potatoes or leather couches or whatever the heck up there.

Michael Slusser said...

This comment from the gal who thought Japanese guys trying to jump through little cardboard cutouts was "Hilarious!"?

Huh. Funny old world.

Corrina said...


Nice parenting.

Seriously, that is enough garlic.

ps. At least Japansese Tetris wasn't nasty.

Michael Slusser said...

Oh, yeah? Why was that pool they got pushed into yellow? What was that stuff? (My computer currently has no sound, so if they said during the clip, I missed it. But it looked nasty...)

Liann said...

Gross. I didn't notice the yellow thing. I liked the Japanese Tetris because I'm glad we aren't the only culture that puts stupid things on TV. Sometimes, it seems we're all alone in that area. Still, the Slussers are very selective in their scatalogical humor, surely you can grant me that point.

Kathie said...

Holy cow; more comments generated in less time than almost any other blog post I have made to date. And all because Plucky wants to flush da potty.


Christina said...

This was always one of my favorite episodes, and baby Plucky is just so darn CUTE!! Devin and I often comment about things "go down the hooole" :)

I appreciated it, so there!

Corrina said...

Yellow slime is not as nasty as a 200 minute clip of things going in and coming out of a toilet!