She's been busy the last couple months (I don't think I knew until I typed it just now that my suitcase was a girl...hmmm). A visit to the mountain in late August, my reunion in late September, eleven days on a ministry support trip in October. Truth be told, she hadn't been back in the closet since I came home in August (my mom just got a shiver...Kathie's not putting things away...eek). When I come home from a trip, she usually gets parked at the foot of my bed (suitcase; not Mom) in front of a wooden chest my grandfather made. Full of a mix of stuff I need right away and some stuff that I never need unless I travel, items get kind of spewn out as necessary and it can take a bit for me to get everything back in place. And, yes, Mom, that's because I don't make it a priority, I know.
A friend bought me the luggage tag below for Christmas one year. It's an excellent deterrent to the TSA guards, I am sure :)
Blessings on all the people who have hauled, shoved, pulled, and lugged this thing when I have come to visit and she is loaded to the hilt. Up stairs, down stairs, up driveways, down driveways, in and out of cars of people nice enough to fetch me at the airport over and over. She's back in the closet for the moment (no travel until Christmas, I think!), but the memories stay out here with me :)
I know, I just did a whole blog post about my suitcase. Deal ;)
It's not a perfect fit, but I vote she be named "Xena"
my suitcase comes out tomorrow..for a trip to Fresno, then B'ham, then Taipei, then Sedona, then Chicago, the Thailand, then ? I think it will get put away between trips. It may not always arrive with me, but hopefully it will arrive shortly! Hey--December isn't too far off. Enjoy being home!
I was thinking Thelma, actually. Something about the two-syllable short-"a"-vowel-ended names keeps cropping up...
Like my "strong Russian woman" friend, Masha, I am noticing...
Yeah, but you can't name your suitcase "Masha." That would be weird, especially when you went to stay with her... :)
Well, I don't really know of a good name for the suitcase, but I am pretty sure it's a girl since you wouldn't really want a male suitcase hugging your underwear, would you? I mean, really!
I don't know why, but I think her name is in the Marches' loyal servant.
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