- A very kind person in Nampa emailed the staff at headquarters to let us know that they had free sweet corn available to MAF families as a way of thanking us for our missions work.
- A friend invited me to a big barbecue at her house.
"I was hoping to pick up some of that corn that was mentioned in the email, but it turns out I won't have time to get over to that side of town. Would you be able to pick some up?" asked said friend.
"Sure!" said Sluss. "How much should I get? How many people are coming?"
"Well, there will be about 12 people, but I was hoping for about 50 ears so I can freeze some."
Sluss makes mental note: "Remember to expect missionary-like answers from missionaries. They prep for winter, you know."
Obedient, helpful Sluss says again, "Sure! Fifty ears. You got directions to the place? Ah, I drive to a funeral home, you say? Hmmm. A...funeral... home."
Have you ever seen Children of the Corn?
A few hours later, I follow the directions and come to a lovely family-owned funeral services home, with a very kind-looking elderly man standing in front of an open garage. He comes out to the car, greets me warmly and asks how he can help. I flash my MAF name tag and my best sweet corn smile, and say I would like 50 ears of corn, please. He ponders a moment, is thrilled to hear I will be joining a barbecue that evening with other MAFers, and says to follow him. Back to the garage we go.
Two sights fill my eyes:

All the corn was neatly bagged into dozens next to the shiny white hearse. We chat for a moment while a few people come out of the inner garage door to the home, men in nice suits who greet me. My nice corn man tells me how two brothers own this home, and they also own corn fields just south of there, and raise their corn specifically to give away as an offering to God's servants. He generously grabs four bags, carries them out to my car, and wishes God's blessings on me.
Um, yeah. Amazingly generous, stunningly incongruent moment. And how was your summer?
I would say only in ID, but that wouldn't be true...it could happen in Loomis, Roan Mtn, Mentone, well...maybe not Mentone, but probably Romania....And, it would happen to you!
I was sure you were going to say it was delivered in a hearse... I am glad the corn and the hearse were just neighbors! :) Hope you had fun at the BBQ!!
Tee hee! I just got around to reading this and since Marilyn mentioned Iowa... while driving through said state a few years ago it was interesting to by driving on the interstate and pass SEVERAL graveyards that were completely surround by corn. The farmers plant the corn, then are planted in the corn. Very funny. So funeral homes and corn, well duh!
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