Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Quote I Am Digging this Week

When God asks us to let our seed of destiny be buried in the soil of relationships, it is because humility – recognizing that God is God and we are not – is the only catalyst that can enable our character to germinate properly….
Choosing to trust people, especially those who are different from ourselves, has a lot to do with trusting the One who is managing the path of our lives.
The Ascent of a Leader
Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, Ken McElrath

1 comment:

Chris Skaggs said...

This is awesome and speaks directly to where I am these days. Essentially dealing with the 'risk' involved in sharing and commiting my own future to the input and collaboration of others.

On the one hand, it seems so obvious, and on the othr hand my do-it-yourself guy is deeply threatened by the concept.