Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New Things

I hope Skaggs doesn't mind, but I am going to use his Thanks post as a springboard to sharing some things I want to "put out there", as the purpose of this blog God made me start suggests (and I am not kidding--He made me do it). I am also going to be sly and use it as a segue to talking about something that it would just seem too weird to suddenly drop in here.

But first I have to share this way-too-cute picture of The Baby Viking. I would give credit to Chris's zerbert to making Odin laugh that hard, but in truth the kid is just that ridiculously adorable all the time. His grumpy days are way better than most of my good days! Apparently Beth is fond of hugging him and saying sarcastically, "Oh, it's so sad you have such a surly baby..." Chris and Rebekah have a huge success of genetic commingling on their hands :)

I love when God works in big, wide circles of answered prayer and cool stuff that I could never arrange. I was glancing back tonight at my It's Just a Thought post from last October. There are so many things, like being more vulnerable and asking for help and understanding His unconditional love, that I have spent the last couple years really asking God to help me fathom--things I long to be, do, believe.

So here I am, almost three weeks out from a stunning blessing of a visit to Imladris in Newberg--Kathie was the flat, needy, soul-stretched friend who took shelter at the Skaggs' house. And my post from last October (one of many with a similar theme) is evidence that God had been preparing me for this visit for a long time. And Chris's post from a couple weeks ago evidences that
these friends and their home, in answer to their prayers, were indeed used as part of a provision for my needs that began long ago. And, because God is just too stunning and beautiful to be predictable or boring, the visit to their home was a place to safely seek answer to new prayers as well--things I never dreamed I would be pondering.

It's been a busy, long eight months since the move to Idaho. Good, but wearying. My work schedule and travel from last November through mid-February was also just a load of good stuff, but it slammed me. Add into that the fun of Liann and I listing and selling the house in Springs--and an escrow that still has not closed. By the time I got around to writing to the Skaggses in the last days of February about the visit we had been talking about me making since October, I could barely compose a coherent email. I had to stop typing and trying to make decisions about whether to visit, about dates, or how to get there--and beg them to just tell me what to do. Praise God for friends who know when to just boss you! They said come, on these dates, and drive. And don't rush home too soon.

The eight-hour drive to Newberg, including going through the Columbia River Gorge (both directions), was just right. There were things to pray about; listen to the Spirit about; praise the Father, Son, and Spirit for; cry about; be honest about; and toughest for me--to ask for--to admit that there are things I want from God. Things that I have thought for years were shallow and needy and if I were actually mature in Christ I would not care about.

One example: during the Kenya trip, there was a fellow who could not stop taking pictures--of everyone and everything, including me. As we would talk in the evenings after work and dinner, he would load all the pictures and video he had shot onto a flash drive, give me the drive to load the stuff onto my computer, and then wait to see my joy at all the pictures he had taken. And video. And lots of it of me. Ugh. It was hideous. In case I have not mentioned it, my hair got about four times bigger in Kenya, and I felt like a sweaty, pasty blob.

And that's exactly what the pictures looked like to me. Hideous. I kept waiting for one decent picture or snippet of video to make me smile. I felt so selfish, but I wanted at least one picture to not make me feel ugly. The loud thought that came to me was, "You are a troll. It doesn't get much worse than you." And one night I finally actually cried tears in my room and told God, "I'm sorry, but I want to be beautiful! I can't believe it matters, and that I feel like this, but it's true--I want to be beautiful." It felt so pathetic. I had some flashback to parts of Captivating; didn't they say that this is what every woman really wants answered? Do you delight in me? Am I captivating?

Part of the time in Newberg was to talk about spiritual warfare, and Chris deftly pointed out that the thought that came to my brain was almost certainly not mine. It was an accusatory thought, and it came in the second-person--"you are...". I forget that we have an enemy. One who wants me to buy the line that I could never be adored by anyone, least of all God. Not saved, mind you--that's not the tack that works with me. That's solid. But adored--I sink right under the waves, because who would adore me? And what is wrong with me that this is what I want?

So, a series of events starts to unfold after my crying, which it turns out was in process even before the crying and asking. It's a long, great story that leads right back to me finally starting to believe--even celebrate--that God desires me and loves me. And much of what needed to be hashed through happened in Oregon. And it's a crazy web that I could never explain unless you had a few hours next to me on a couch with a cup of coffee, but some of it has to do with a new person in my life. Oh, goes...

I met someone in Kenya. His name is Tony, he is Ugandan, and currently works in Sudan. And I know there are only like ten of you who even read this blog, and about half of you know this news already--but I am putting this out here because I want the other half of you all praying, too!

Tony is pretty introverted and will likely faint if/when he discovers that I put this information on the Web. In all of our cultural differences, though, I suppose it's better that he find out sooner rather than later that I have people in my life that I have known since my age was still a single digit, and that I can't not tell them stuff :) Besides, I know Christina is jumping up and down with glee right now--how could I not give her that gift?!

It's quite the story, but God apparently spent the two weeks in Kenya turning my heart and Tony's upside down--completely unbeknownst to one another. Can I just drop in the reminder here that Kathie has not been in a relationship since 1993? This does not happen everyday. Thus, it took Kathie a good while to even realize what was going on.

And, yes, Tony was the picture/video fellow. And this courtship journey we are in has been unlike anything I have ever experienced and is amazing on multiple levels.

Not the least of which are the deep, good things happening in my relationship with my Heavenly Father. And other things that were surfaced and discussed and prayed for and forgiven and answered and cried over and pondered in Newberg. Because there was a home opened by friends who asked God that they might be used to refuel, refresh and rejuvenate His children.

No, Chris--you are not making too much of my intentions or the time there. It was indeed an arranged appointment with you and Rebekah, but not arranged by me. Our Dad set it up. Thank you for listening to Him, and to me.


Michael Slusser said...

Whoo hoo! Finally, I can breathe easy, not worrying about who I mention this to. I already jumped up and down with glee for you in this--now I can finally jump up and down in glee at being free from keeping a secret.

My favorite Tony story so far: when Kathie was trying to figure out if, culturally, it was expected that she leave some food on her plate (to indicate that she was full, as in some places) or should clean up every last bite (as in others, to show that you appreciate the meal).

She asked Tony, and his response (as I recall Kathie telling it) was simply, "Finish the race well, my friend."

I like him already.

I'm glad those Skaggses got through to you. And we've always adored you, though you wouldn't always believe us. Enjoy the gifts God is giving you, good and faithful servant. He loves ya, and so do we.

Holly said...

Ok, YEAH!!!!!!!!

Beth and I are rejoicing that you finally posted this news.

We too have our favorite Tonyisms:

Beth: "You are far away someplace up in a coconut tree"

Holly: As Kathie is walking behind him "I don't want you to walk behind me. I want you to walk beside me."

We miss you and are stupidly, giggly happy for you...

Beth & Holly

P.S. Beth says "...'bout damn time you posted this!"

Anonymous said...

God Bless both of you, Kathie.

I hugged your Mom and gave her congratulations. And the same to you. What a life! Janet

Anonymous said...

Gee! I hope your mother's post finally gets up. She took two hours to think of something and took longer than that getting it typed... afraid of gramatical errors like anyone would care.

I don't have a Tonyism (though there are many to choose from). I thought it would be good to share how Kathie eased us into this. She said she had met someone who was fairly important to her and showed us a group picture from the Kenya trip. It had Kathie, three guys from MAF USA and Tony. So she says "He's the tall one." Cool... no shock on this side of the Atlantic. So I gues when we're finally together with the four of us in a picture, she can show it to folks and say, "Oh, my dad is the one with grey hair." Of course by that time Tony O. will have a few of his own (half of mine are from my daughter... the other half from Michael).

I told Kathie that as long as he puts God first, her second, and everything else after that it would be okay in my book. My only exchange with Tony was an email in which I held him and his work up in prayer.

Well... maybe one Tonyism. While speaking to him on the phone, Kathie kept hearing bleeting in the background. She finally asked tony what was making the funny noise. He said,"Oh. That's our sheep. We'll kill one for you when you come." Quite an honor, don't you think?

Looking forward to meeting him soon. Maybe we'll go out for a little rack-o-lamb to make him feel at home.

Dear OLD dad

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! We can finally share our amazement and excitement about how God has so abundantly blessed your life!

We understand how you could not possibly resist this Tonyism!

"When you would sit next to me, I felt like I found a part of my life I didn't know was missing."

You are on a journey filled with such adventure! Who knows what's around the next corner!!

Much love and many parayer,
Mom and Dad

Chris said...

So pretty much I'm the only one that didn't know! Sheesh!

This is really exciting stuff Kathie.

Even if you did wait to tell me until pretty much everyone else knew :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're surrounded by a lot of positive support.

Devin Parker said...

W - O - W ! Well, I had no idea, either, Chris. That's the coolest thing I've heard this year!

I definitely need to take you up on your offer to call one of these weekends when you're around. I want to hear some Tonyisms, too ("You are far away someplace up in a coconut tree" has become common parlance around here now). He sounds like an awesome guy!

Yay, Kathie! Yay, God!

Chris Skaggs said...

While the whole Tony news is great and all, did you see how cute my son is!

Chris said...

Skaggs - I was totally thinking how cute he is and bugged by how she just went on and on about this guy without ever mentioning that.

I mean - geez!

Christina said...

Hee hee! I AM jumping up and down in glee, and THANK YOU for giving me that gift. You can use me as this type of excuse anytime! :)

I expect regular updates, you know *wink*

Risa said...

I totally dig him already, just from the Tony-isms. :o)

And bonus for me, Beth has been nagging me to date/marry someone she can call my "Chocolate Bear." She's threatened to do so, even if I marry a Scandanavian albino. This may alleviate some of the pressure...

Devin said it perfectly... "Yay, Kathie! Yay God!"

Kristin said...

Oh, Praise Jesus ! I am THRILLED for you, my friend ! I wish you could have been here to hear my joyous 'gasp' when I read the words, "I've met someone".... CONGRATULATIONS. I can't wait to see what God does.
And I also wanted to add that Odin Skaggs is the KING of Cuteness ! That picture is absolutely adorable. Too bad his parents don't delight in him. (wink)

Dave said...

I'm sure many of you reading this don't me, but the few of you who do know that I'm not really the...emotional...sort.

But I have a tear in my eye right now out of happiness for you, Kathie!

Hmm. Does this mean our engagement is finally off? ;)

Kathie said...

Dave! I can't even picture you with a tear in your eye if someone whacked your leg with a large mallet--you must be growing!

Thanks for the kind thoughts, and, no, our engagement will never be officially over until I have an actual proposal from someone else...after over 30 years of being each other's back-up, I don't think we are allowed to call it quits until then ;)

Love ya! And thanks for being the provider of all the cool stuff I needed for my apartment when my folks and the twins came to Boise, via your awesome B, B & B gift card--sweet!