It's had some fun the last two nights that I confess I had not imagined when I signed the escrow cake!
No, no, not mine. Put the confetti away, people.
Becky is the queen of wedding cakes, and she is making one for someone at our church. It needs to be delivered Friday night to a church in Boise. Rather than have Becky drive all the way to her house from work or bring the cake to work, then drive to Boise to set up the cake, then back to Nampa for our MAF game night (I made her promise to find me people I could play Mexican train dominoes with), I suggested she decorate the cake at my place since it's only 15 minutes from the church. She toted everything over here last night and the baking began.
Last night ended late. Tonight not so late, but we'll be back at it tomorrow, and she has decided she would like me to help her deliver it, too.
Has she ever seen me try to carry anything delicate? Yikes!
The above was just practice assembly to see how things will fit together. Piping and roses and decoration went on tonight and we'll assemble and pipe, pipe, pipe more icing tomorrow to make everything fit together.
I do the dishes, by the way. Not the piping. And I eat the tops of the cakes that Becky cuts off to make them flat. I have my own eight-layer cake-top cake in a pile on a plate :) And I woke up this morning to a house that smelled like chocolate that is a great way to meet the morning!
Smelling chocolate in the morning is the BEST way to start a day! Sigh. I've started putting cocoa in my coffee grounds to brew them together. Adds not quite a full chocolate flavor, but enough to make me happy! :)
Wow - I don't know if I could handle having that much cake in the house! :) It looks great - be sure to post photos of the finished project! :)
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