His wife and daughter, precious friends of mine, sat with me in the warm, candles-aglow house, eating cookies and drinking tea, assuring me that Dave was having a superb time "unwinding" in the garage after his test. Oh, the wonder of mechanically-minded people. Even better are mechanically-minded people who grew up on a dairy farm in crazy cold winters, so they don't mind working in temps where the ice around the chains down from the gutter spouts is not dripping one bit. Brrrrrr!
So, I am safe once again. I was worried I could be stolen with my door opener not working properly! I was a bit nervous, despite reassurances from a friend that, "No one's going to steal you...it's Idaho for goodness sake!" Sheesh!
Now on to figuring out how to replace the dead over-the-range microwave after the first of the year. One machine at a time, kids.
On a differet note, is it wrong for me to be in love with both Colin Firth and Liam Neeson in Love Actually? I feel a little like I am two-timing, but once they make up their mind about who wins me, and the victor comes knocking on my door, I will feel settled, I'm sure. I'll let them duke it out between them and not worry my pretty little head about it.
I'm so, so pleased about God's timing tonight. The ache to see my family is huge, the kind that makes me weepy at the smallest thing (like watching Love Actually). I am both amazed and so grateful that it didn't come until tonight, though. I have missed them, but not the miserable kind of missing of the last couple years that seems so constant. Just tonight, 36 hours before I get on the plane, I feel like I can't wait one more minute to hear Nathaniel say, "Um, Aunt Kathie, I want to tell you something," to hear Madeline tell me, "Uh, no," when I ask her to sing a song, to have Caleb tell me how to smash the ping-pong ball on the Wii, to hug my itty bitty mommy at the airport and swing her in a circle, and to lay on the couch with my head in my dad's lap, getting a sweet neck and head rub until my hair looks ridiculous.
Almost home! Two more sleeps until the plane and five more sleeps till Christmas!
It's not wrong for you to be in love with both Colin Firth and Liam Neeson—who wouldn't be? (And, for my money, Colin Firth is dreamier.)
It is wrong that you watched Love Actually, and that after having seen it the first time. That is nearly unpardonable bad taste.
We love you and miss you bunches, too, and we're all a-twitter that you're coming back to see us.
It's the edited TV version, you know. The one disturbing, giggle-inducing, eye-ducking storyline hardly gets touched :)
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