Sunday, January 25, 2009

Check the Bag!

The next time you make yourself some tasty Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and you do that maneuver where you waggle the bag of cheese mix back and forth from one end of the package to make sure all the cheese dust is at the other end before you open it...

check to see how intact the bag is. It could be that you give it one good wag and the heavy end goes flying, splaying orange cheese granules all over your stove, counter, floor, and you as it completes its giant arc through the air and you stand there with an inch of the bag remaining in your hand.

Guess the kitchen wanted a pre-spring cleaning anyway. Oy.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

And as soon as you add the moisture from the sponge, it turns to adhesive and sticks like a mother, making you wonder what it does inside you! Been there.